Asian Youth in Art

I was just playing around on my computer when I was hit by an idea. A week or two ago, I read an article about a Minnesota woman who video recorded her street harassers and made business cards to hand out to these harassers to explain why street harassment is not okay. Her project can be found on I had been thinking about what I would want to submit to the art exhibit that AYA is hosting on August 24th. The art exhibit is focused on police violence, violence against women, violence against LGBTQ communities, and the intersections of those issues. I don't feel inspired to draw/paint/write a poem, and one idea I had was to perform spoken word. But I would probably just re-perform something someone else wrote. And how long would it take for me to memorize a whole performance and perfect it?

I have been reflecting on my experiences being harassed in public, and I've been meaning to think about what is something I can do about it. So I decided to make my own business cards as a way to respond to the issue and as an art piece to submit to the art exhibit! 

I'm gonna make a plug for everyone to reflect on the issues I mentioned and submit art of any kind to the art exhibit. It does not have to be a masterpiece, really. Find out more about submissions and the art exhibit here.

If you click on the photo above you can find the full .pdf file of the cards I made :)


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