Student Spotlight and Shameless Plug

At the beginning of the school year, I was contacted by a graduate student writing the Student Spotlights for the Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality's website. She briefly wrote about my trip in April to the Women in the World Summit held in NYC, and requested a photo of me. I was really flattered that my experience was being honored on the center's website, so take a look at her brief summary here and feel free to look at the essay that I wrote reflecting on this experience. The link is provided at the end of the article and also here

I strongly encourage any one, specifically students, interested in poverty, marginalized populations, and women to check out this summit. It is held every year and a great learning opportunity to be inspired by what's already been done.

In other news relate to the Center, they have a lecture coming up on unequal childhoods, by the President of the American Sociological Association, Annette Lareau, specifically on how social class and race affect child-rearing practices and ultimately their life outcomes. Super interesting and relevant sociology stuff, and women are bound to be part of the conversation. Check out the info here. I'm shameless plugging here, because I was invited to give a short speech about what I learn as a Study of Women Gender and Sexuality major and why that is important as it relates to what I do extracurricular-wise to introduce this lecture. I'm a little nervous, but super excited.


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