Katsura Sunshine!

One of my goals this year is to continue seeking out awesome opportunities and do something different other than my daily routine. Our residential colleges send out a ton of emails every day, but I do try to make time to skim through the daily announcements email. Here's why: AWESOME EVENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES GET POSTED IN A SEA OF 10 OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS.

The Consulate-General of Japan in Houston brought an unique aspect of Japanese culture to Houston last night in the form of a tall Caucasian Canadian man in a cowboy hat and American flag-themed kimono. His stage name is Katsura Sunshine, and he is a rakugo comic storyteller. His lovely assistant gave us background on rakugo in Japan, and Sunshine told us funny stories which end in a punch line. Here's a video of highlights for those of you who are interested!

His opening joke? "I love that we're presenting Japanese culture, at a place called RICE!"

Apparently, there is a substantial Japanese population in Houston. Interestingly, stumbling upon a Japanese festival at the park across the street from campus on a warm Sunday afternoon is what inspired me to start this blog in the first place. I sure am glad to be inspired and amused by Japanese culture.


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